Shapely Pond Design Nearing Completion!
We are delighted that the shapely pond is finally nearing completion.
We love the shape of this pond that we are building for a client off Dalkeith Road, as part of a garden designed by New Dimensions.
The dark slate cladding is on and topped with light sandstone copes. We have now filled the super shallow pond (only 150mm or so deep) with water. Because the pond is so shallow, it needs a dosing system combined with very good filtration to prevent lots of algae growing. The filtration and dosing system is hidden away behind the summer house.
Once the LED rope light around the perimeter (from MGD Outdoor Electrical) and burnt oak bridge being made by Michaela Huber, have been installed, the pond will look fabulous, particularly at night, with the perimeter lit up.
Stephen MacDonald and Nick Easterbrook (deep in thought) are pictured working on it.