Exciting new Rewilding & Biodiversity Project
We have recently started work on a rewilding project in East Lothian, to increase the biodiversity value of a woodland. The wood already has lots of good, mature trees, but almost no understory due to heavy browsing pressure from roe deer in particular.
The plan is firstly to put up deer fencing and plant a shelter belt. Next we will protect any regenerating shrubs like holly that are there now, and then add in hazel and other native shade-tolerant shrubs. Through time, the planting and protected regeneration will start to fill in the missing understory. This will significantly increase the local habitat for birds and small mammals.
In addition to the planting work, we have also installed a tawny owl box and a number of small bird boxes, throughout the wood, just in time for nesting season.
The existing woodland is already a refuge from the bare fields that surround it, but the work we are doing will also create additional shelter from the wind. which on a hillside in East Lothian is a big plus. This is an interesting and exciting project for us, and just the kind of work we really like doing.
If you would like to know more about this Rewilding & Biodiversity project, please contact us.