Milngavie Pond Naturalisation Project
We have recently started work on a pond naturalisation project for Milngavie Community Development Trust. Our aim is to revitalise this rather bleak public pond and create a more natural look to the pond edge. We intend to achieve this by firstly creating beds full of soil. We will then plant the beds with lots of native aquatic marginal plants.
Prior to work starting, we had assumed we could drive stakes in to hold the retaining boards, but this proved impossible. The pond appears to have been filled in with rubble at some point, so the stakes wouldn’t go in. As a result the guys are having to create a timber frame to hold the front boards in place.
This timber structure currently looks like a deck frame. However, once finished, it will be hidden by lots of green aquatic plants.
The resident mute swan will eat all the young plants given the chance, so we will also need to protect them with some wire. This will allow the plants to establish and flourish, creating a softer, more natural look to the pond edge.
If you are interested to find out how the Milngavie Pond Naturalisation project is progressing, please contact us.