Colourful Update – East Lothian Garden
A stunning, colourful update from a garden and pond makeover project in East Lothian, which we completed in 2022. Our team currently carries out scheduled weekly maintenance on the garden and pond, to ensure they continue to flourish and look their best all year round.
The colourful planting looks absolutely fantastic with Eryngium ‘Big Blue’, Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’, Monarda ‘Huckleberry’, Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Anemanthele lessoniana, Nepeta ‘Dawn to dusk’. The sedum roof crowning the stone shed, blends in well in the background and provides an attractive habitat for birds, butterflies and various types of insects.
Well done team! It’s so great to see the garden bloom and become a definite haven for bees!
If you would like more information on this project, or the services that Water Gems can offer, then please get in touch. You can also view our portfolio gallery for this project by clicking here.